
Are you getting enough value from your data?
We can help you make better decisions & grow your business.

Are you getting enough value from your data?
We can help you make better decisions.

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine"

Peter Sondergaard.

“Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.”

Ronald Coase

Welcome to Synapsta!
You've got questions.
We'll find the answers.

Getting the most out of your data is critical to the success of your business. That's why we develop custom solutions designed to give you exactly the answers you need to make better decisions and discover new opportunities for growth.
We are experts in all aspects of Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Machine Learning. Whether you need an in-depth customer analysis, a BI dashboard, or an AI algorithm, we can help.
We are experts in all aspects of Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Machine Learning. Whether you need an in-depth customer analysis, a BI dashboard, or an AI algorithm, we can help.
All your data together.

Data Integration & Warehousing

Perhaps your business is creating lots of data, but it's in several different places and formats. We can help bring it all together so you can see the bigger picture.

Understand your business better.

Data Modeling & Analytics

For data to be useful, it needs to be turned into knowledge you can use to make better decisions for your business. We have the skills and tools to extract the most valuable insights from your data.

Dig deeper with visual tools.

Business Intelligence & Data Visualization

Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words. We can provide you with the tools to explore your data your way.

Complete End-to-End Data Solutions

We leverage best-in-class proprietary and open source technologies to design a solution that fits your needs and your budget.

Data Discovery & Documentation

We take an inventory of the data assets across your organization.

Data Cleaning & Normalization

We make sure your data is consistent and complete.

Data Integration & Warehousing

We can bring all your data together from various sources, whether they're located on-site or in the cloud.

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Exploratory Analysis & Reporting

We surface business insights hidden in your data.

Business Intelligence & Visualization

We provide you with the tools to explore your data your way.

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

We develop tools & algorithms to spot trends, predict outcomes, and discover patterns that might otherwise be overlooked.

Technology Stack

Our talented team has years of experience developing custom solutions that leverage the best of open source and proprietary technologies.

What Clients Say?

Customer Testimonails

We tried another company we knew, but it didn't work out. Synapsta took the time to understand what we really needed and delivered what they promised. I'm glad we found them.

James L., MD HealthTap
Customer Testimonails

I'm convinced that cooperation between companies is only successful when it is based on effective teamwork. Synapsta has been a great a collaborator with us on projects where we needed some outside help with Machine Learning and Business Intelligence.

Sean T. Ironwood Pharmaceuticals
Customer Testimonails

Synapsta consultants bring commitment and passion to their work. It felt to us like they were really an extension of our team. You can feel confident putting your data in their capable hands.

Niklas V. INTO Consultacy